In early
summer as the plants start forming flower buds, begin a fertilizer program
using a balanced formula such as 10-10-10.
Read the label and apply as the manufacturer recommends throughout the
summer and early fall. If you have some
annuals that are slow to flower use a formula such as a 15-30-15 to stimulate
flower production.
In midsummer
annuals with lots of tiny flowers such as alyssum start to look a little ragged
and they will benefit from being cut back by a third to a half. Use this technique for alyssum, coreopsis,
bachelor’s button, snapdragons and sweet William. Give them a dose of liquid fertilizer and
they will set new buds very quickly. If
your petunias are starting to get leggy with blooms just at the ends, try
cutting them back by half. They will
also set out new growth and flowers and you will have a more compact plant full
of flowers in no time.
We were
delighted to see so many of our friends at our plant sale on May 5 and we thank
you for your support. It is through
fundraisers like this that we were able to show the community presentations we
have had this year. Don’t forget our
last presentation on Thursday, June 7 when Janet Vinyard will be talking about
growing and blooming orchids successfully in upstate New York. It will be at the Northville Public Library
in the upstairs meeting room at 1:30 p.m.
Our club will be having a short meeting prior to the talk and you are
welcome to sit in if you wish.
You can
contact us at POBox 675, Northville, NY 12134 and lastly, remember the words of
Abba Goold Woolson ‘and since all this
loveliness cannot be Heaven, I know in my heart it is June’.