We had a delightful meeting to start off our garden club year. Jean Sweet, a Master Gardener of Fulton and Montgomery Counties, talked to us about planning and planting our bulb gardens. Jean showed us photos of the wonderful display of tulips she has in her our garden and showed us how to use color displays to make the best impact against our houses and landscape. The ideas she gave us and the photographs she showed us led to a great discussion of what we do in our own gardens and since it is now prime bulb planting season I think all of us came away with a determination to plant at least a few bulbs to cheer us up in the Spring.
Back in August I mentioned that I hadn’t seen many butterflies this year and I am pleased now, in September, that I am beginning to see a few more of them around. Actually now I have many, many Monarch butterflies, for some reason far more than I normally see. But amongst them I do see some of the other varieties. I had a lovely letter from Anna Froeder and she tells me that she too hasn’t had as many butterflies this year. She did tell me that it is the Ruby throated hummingbird and not the Rufous that we see in the Northeast. She checked with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and discovered that the Rufous is the most northern breeding of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska while the Ruby throated is the sole breeder in eastern North America. Anna wanted us to know about the Cornell lab which offers wonderful information on birds on-line at http://www.allaboutbirds.org. So check it out for great photographs and range maps. Thank you Anna, I loved your letter and thank you for the great information.

I hope you will all join us on Thursday, October 6 in the upstairs meeting room of the Northville Public Library at 1:30 p.m. Jeanine Loya will be giving a presentation on Cactus and Succulents. Jeanine is a member and past president of several Cactus and Succulent Societies and she and her husband maintain a 25’ by 25’ greenhouse with an extensive collection of these plants. Some of which she will bring for show and tell and some to raffle off to a few lucky people. We will have refreshments afterwards and a chance to chat with everyone.
On November 10 we are planning our annual luncheon and auction which this year will be held at Lanzi’s on The Lake in Mayfield. This is always a fun event and if you would like to join us contact any of our club members or drop me a line. The more the merrier!
You can contact us through P.O. Box 675, Northville, NY.